This Bear Cub reporter, Louise Little Bear, ventured to the seaside town of Littlehampton, in Sussex, England.
• Littlehampton Welcome sign
We went straight to the beach for some sandy seaside bear kids activities.
We made some pictures of bears in the sand.
• Picture of Bear made from sand
This Bear was made by gathering some sand into a teddy bear pattern. He is decorated with small stones, with three buttons on his shirt.
• Bear pic made from sand
When the tide came in, the sand bear picture got his feet and body a bit wet... The sea will always smooth out the sand ready for some more bear art!
• Sand Bear Drawing
This Bear Drawing is a simple ouline bear picture - a really good bear activity for kids to try on the beach.
• Sand Bear Outline Drawing
This Bears Picture is another outline bear pic and he is waving good bye as it is time to go.
I hope you have enjoyed the bear activities on the beach. Why not try some sand bear pictures of your own ?
Louise Little Bear reporting Big Bear News about all types of bears for