Sunday, 30 May 2010

• Seaside Bear Activities • Sand Bears •

• Creating Pictures of Bears in the sand

This Bear Cub reporter, Louise Little Bear, ventured to the seaside town of Littlehampton, in Sussex, England.

• Littlehampton Welcome sign

We went straight to the beach for some sandy seaside bear kids activities.

We made some pictures of bears in the sand.

• Picture of Bear made from sand

This Bear was made by gathering some sand into a teddy bear pattern. He is decorated with small stones, with three buttons on his shirt.

• Bear pic made from sand

When the tide came in, the sand bear picture got his feet and body a bit wet... The sea will always smooth out the sand ready for some more bear art!

• Sand Bear Drawing

This Bear Drawing is a simple ouline bear picture - a really good bear activity for kids to try on the beach.

• Sand Bear Outline Drawing

This Bears Picture is another outline bear pic and he is waving good bye as it is time to go.

I hope you have enjoyed the bear activities on the beach. Why not try some sand bear pictures of your own ?

Louise Little Bear reporting Big Bear News about all types of bears for

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Oxford University Graduate Bear

Here is a picture of a teddy bear who has just graduated from Oxford University in England. He has worked very hard during these last few years to get his diploma. You can see him wearing his mortar board on his head, and his gown and Oxford colours round his shoulders. Later, he will be off to celibrate with his teddy bear friends for a well earned rest. Do you think they will party all night ?

Did you know that the oldest kids scout and guide club in the United Kingdom is in Oxford ? It was founded in 1919. Their mascot is a panda teddy bear named Erik. The panda teddy bear was presented to the group in 1974, and was originally named Eric. They even celibrate his birthday, the day before Shrove Tuesday.

Louise Little Bear reporting Big Bear News for

Bear Dictionary Blog

Welcome to Horace's new Bear-dictionary blog. Louise Little Bear Reporter is very excited about it and looking forward to blogging about her travels, and all the types of bears she sees, giving you all sorts of interesting bear facts.

• Picture of bear share outpost.

Here is a picture of a bear on the look out. What do you think he can spot in the woods ? Perhaps a bear is still hibernating !

Louise Little Bear reporting Big Bear News for